What Age Do Babies Say Mama?

Many parents want to know the answer to “at what age do babies say, mama?” If you’re one of these parents, then this article is for you. We will explore what age babies typically begin to use the word ‘mama’ or ‘mommy,’ and also look further at why they learn to say it at different stages in terms of development.

baby under purple blanket

Like most things with children, each child develops at their own unique pace, so it’s difficult to give a definite time frame for when your baby should be saying, mama. In general, though, many researchers believe that by 15 months old, your baby can say between 50-150 words, and from 18-21 months old, about 200-300 words.

This is why it’s not abnormal for two-year-olds to say mama often, but it may be odd for an infant under 12 months old to be saying something like that with ease.

The act of speaking comes naturally to humans, but it takes time for babies to master the connection between sound and meaning. Most infants begin vocalizing while still in the womb, which means parents won’t have to wait long after birth to hear their baby say “mama.” Several studies conducted over the years suggest that the average age at which a child says his or her first word is around 12 months, with some children starting as early as 6 months old.

From there, each baby develops at his or her own pace, often picking up new words quickly or taking longer to use certain sounds. Babies are interested in language from an early age, whether they are saying words themselves or simply observing how others communicate. Studies show that infants as young as six months old can understand language and prefer listening to speech rather than silence.

Although most babies say “mama” or some variation thereof early on, there is no guarantee that they will reach this milestone first. Some may say dada before mama, while others may use one of these words interchangeably since both parents provide them with care and affection. Around the age of 18 months, children start combining words, making it easier for parents to distinguish what they are saying.

Most toddlers use two-word sentences around their second birthday, which is when babies typically begin stringing three words together as well. By the time a child turns three years old, he or she has a vocabulary of around 50 spoken words, which means most babies say “mama” fairly early on.

If your baby does not start speaking by the age of two, it is important to consult with a doctor or pediatrician. This is especially true if you notice that she has trouble imitating gestures of understanding simple commands. There are several reasons why a child may struggle to speak, some of which include hearing problems, developmental disabilities, or social challenges.

A speech-language pathologist can assist in these cases. If your child is genuinely delayed in her verbal development, she will likely benefit from working with an expert who offers one-on-one therapy sessions. Parents should also keep in mind that some children simply develop at different rates and end up saying “mama” later than their peers.

Parents can help babies become more proficient at speaking by engaging them in conversation and exposing them to words and sounds. Reading books is a wonderful way for children to learn new words and expand their vocabulary. When it comes time to introduce the letter M, parents may want to point out that the word begins with this sound, as well as share other words that start with m such as milk or monkey.

It might not be long before your child starts trying to mimic these sounds himself, which should be cause for celebration!

So when do babies say, mama? It might happen early on or take a few extra months. Try celebrating every milestone along the way to make those words that much more special!

So in terms of when they typically learn the word ‘mama,’ we can say between 1 and 2 years (give or take a little depending on your baby). There are some other key stages where you might want to encourage them to begin saying mama as well though, and these tend to vary depending on what country you live in.

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